Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Movies I have not seen

Inspired once again by Marco and his prolific blogging at The Midpoint I decided to list some movies I have never bothered to watch for one reason or another.
1. Independence Day
2. Rambo (all)
3. The Godfather II, III
4. The Crying Game
5. Alien
6. The Piano
7. Ben Hur
8. Bambi
9. It's a Wonderful Life
10. A musical, any.

Some movies I have seen, for no good reason.

1. Mr. Bean's Holiday
2. Osmosis Jones
3. Gummo
4. The Wicker Man, both
5. Communion
6. The Holiday
7. Music and Lyrics
8. Wild Aces
9. Spare Change 9/11 film
10. 15 and Pregnant (with Kirsten Dunst.)

I know I'm not the only one.


Cangrejero said...

Good lists.

I saw Mr. Bean's Holiday in the theater. Sure, I had my niece with me, but I don't think that's a very good excuse.

Re: The Crying Game, basically any movie with a huge surprise twist in it will likely not be seen by me. Not that I have anything against surprise twists (Vertigo is still one of my all time faves), it's just that I'm so slow about getting to the movies, I'll inevitably hear about the twist before I see the film.

That Obscure Object said...

I am still a sucker for the "surprise" twist ending. By the time I could have easily seen TCG though, I was like, dude she's a he, big whoop.

idlewildeone said...

I've seen Communion, because I will watch ANYTHING with my baby Walken in it (ok, jury still out on Balls of Fury. Not sure I could bring myself to do it).
And I've seen most of Osmosis Jones, because Joss somehow owns it.

If it makes you feel any better, I've only seen half of your haven't seen list. You're not alone. :)

blogging soon...