Friday, September 14, 2007


So somehow I got put in charge of this whole Hatchetfest thing, and I have no idea what the hell I'm doing and I'm really freaked out and no one is helping me and I think it's going to be a disaster and all I want to do is stay home and watch Ugly Betty.

Ahem, so if you live in NC please come to Hell tonight (a bar in Chapel Hill) to support The Hatchet and watch some really good bands (Monologue Bombs, Jews and Catholics, Cantwell Gomez and Jordan) and simultaneously watch me have a nervous breakdown/ kill someone.

1 comment:

idlewildeone said...

Damn, Manda!
Why not on a Saturday? Why a Friday? I can't do anything on Fridays.

Well, hopefully it won't be as bad as you think. If memory serves me, you're an excellent party thrower.